понедельник, 21 января 2008 г.

How to raise your vibration by using Color Therapy and Aromatherapy

The colors of the flowers reflected in the color of essential oils. As the plants get energy from component of the sun& 39;s rays, which contain all the colors of a rainbow, offering a special method of absorbing the vibrations of color in our system. Unlike synthetic substances, which do not have the force of the same vital, essential oils are full of life, pulsating vibration. This is why aromatherapy, as well as the therapy of color, part of the vibrational medicine " " - a form of medicine that uses the powerful vibrations of the electromagnetic spectrum. As I have been investigating aroma and color therapy for years, I have learned how the two work together in harmony and blend to create a desired effect.

To create a perfect blend of aromatherapy with the color vibration can mix a complementary color pair, as yellow and purple or pink and green. You can also use color as a guide for the use of essential oils, by mixing with similar or complementary colors.

Orange skin tonic:

Put 16 drops of essential oil of orange and 4 drops of neroli in cup / 4 fl. Oz/100 ml of orange flower water. Use as a cleaner, as required. Do not use in the event of pregnancy. Do not go out in the sun for at least 72 hours.

Yellow / Violet Healing Balm For Acne Spots and

Mix two drops of essential oil of lemon and a drop of essential oil of lavender with 6 drops of oil of evening primrose. Propagation in the affected area in the morning and evening. Do not go out in the sun for at least 72 hours. Do not use in the event of pregnancy.

Violet Tonic For Blemished Skin

Put 12 drops of lavender in cup / 4 fl. Oz/100 ml water lavender, and the use to clean the affected area. Do not use in the event of pregnancy.

Yellow / / Red Cellulite

Mix Bath Mix in 2 ml Tablespoons/30. From almond oil, 2 drops of lemon and a drop of essential oil of sandalwood. Add to the bathtub if necessary.

White - Cajeput

Red - Sandalwood

Orange - Orange, Mandarin, Tan, Carrot Seed Oil, Neroli,

Gold - patchouli

Yellow - Citronella Lemongrass, Evening Primrose Oil, Lemon, Camphor.

Olive Green - Essential oils made from herbs, Pine Himalayas.

Emerald Green - Rosemary, Scotch Pine, Basil, mint.

Pink - geranium

Saphire blue - myrrh, tea tree, Roman chamomile

Royal blue - German chamomile

Violet - purple, pink, pink geranium, lavender, juniper

Deep Magenta - Frankincense, Clary Sage,


Subtle energy is produced by our body& 39;s energy anatomy, as well as our subtle anatomy. The body is surrounded by a vibrational field that is commonly known as the aura. The aura is an electromagnetic force field that surrounds all living things both in the animal kingdom and plant and interpenetrates the physical body.

The force field shields and protects the body. Maybe sometimes you can see a light around the head of a person or someone can sense of humor. If so, you may be aware that the human energy field that people call Aura. The colours of the aura is a good indicator of personality, health and spirituality. The aura is a multi-color and flows and moves with you, the color change with their moods, feelings and spiritual condition.

Disease and disease are physical disorders that have their roots in being blocked or jammed in the flow of energy in the body - or, in some cases, a free flow, most often at or near vital organs. The flow is blocked, or stuck, or imbalance, as a result of thought, which eventually works through the physical body as pain or as a functional alteration of some sort. This is the true nature of the disease and the diseases and disorders to which man is exposed. The release of the healing powers within oneself depends on this cleaning process that can be cleaned using aromatherapy and color therapy.


Essential oils are derived from herbs, sprouts, shells, twigs, needles, bark, leaves, seeds, fruits, flowers, roots, fruit, timber, herbs, spices. Carriers, which carry essential oils all over the body and blood circulation oils are derived from nuts, plants, fruit cores, beeswax, flowers, flower seeds, fruit seeds, seeds of plants, vegetables, herbs. They have a thick consistency so they can carry essential oils throughout the body. Aromatherapy promotes the health of the body, peace of mind helps negative emotions and the rest by working in conjunction with the olfactory system, helps a person get in touch with their true selves.

Essential oils are gaining acceptance as a leading choice in the care home. Many chiropractors value essential oils with amazing results in treatments chiropractors. Flavourings activate the emotional center of the brain and the redefinition of psychology. Practitioners of traditional Ayurvedic medicine in India have valued essential oils for thousands of years. More and more doctors are evaluating the clinical benefits of essential oils. Aromatherapy is being used as a complement to basic professions such as nursing, geriatrics, rehabilitation work, counseling, and physiotherapy. Used with naturopaths, hospices, hospitals, special needs, working in the travel industry in leisure spas, resorts, cruises and retreats, health centers. Aromatherapy is used methods such as massage, sitz baths, compresses, baths, perfumes, herbal teas, facial care, hair care. They can be used by humans and animals alike. Do not use essential oils on cats or small animals.

The known physical and psychological effects of the essential oils are often subtle indicators of their properties. For example, rosemary promotes mental clarity and relieves mental fatigue. In a subtle level, rosemary have an affinity with the sixth energy centre (Third Eye), and is used to promote clear thinking and vision. In a physical level juniper is cleansing and antiseptic. In a subtle level, which is used to clean a room of the negativity, and to decontaminate the subtle bodies.


If you are unsure of how you will react to your skin an essential oil, apply a drop of oil for transportation of oil to some inside of the wrist or forearm. Check the site for any itching, redness, burning or irritation after a couple of hours. Or if it is necessary to apply a massage before a couple of minutes. If you have very sensitive skin and the desire to be extremely careful, you can cover the ground with a Band-Aid and leave it for 24 hours. You can also use these same procedures for carriers.


Color therapy is used for children with special needs centres Special Needs. Color therapy is being used for children with learning difficulties. A special filter color chosen by the child and put on his reading material helps a child learn more. Yellow is the color most popular. Dr Phil has mentioned that using a blue light at bedtime helps calm the children to sleep and relax, and has been used to calm children with Attention Deficit Disorder.

Color is the small visible part of the wide spectrum of electromagnetic energy which is one of the fundamental forces of the universe. Light roles in subat micas (quantum) level of the field, as well as fill the entire space (such as microwave background radiation - an echo of the Big Bang of creation cosmic). All life on Earth depends on the nutritional energy of sunlight, which is conveniently stripped of dangerous levels of ultraviolet radiation from the Earth& 39;s atmosphere. The light, as a bio-photon, is also working within the cells of the body, such as communication, and outside the body to instill the auric field. The life of an individual and the psychology is symbolically associated with the colors and the colors are produced in the aura. You may be seeing red " " " or feeling blue. " You may be & 39; in the dark & 39; (depression) or fired with enthusiasm of bright sparks. Growth spiritual awareness is linked with pale shades of gold and the white light that unifies all colors and represents the unity or source of all.

You can apply color, putting the color of the light from a bulb and the lamp that shines on yourself, or you can breathe color, or can be displayed. You can also put a color filter around a glass of water and let the sun shine on it for a couple of hours to create solarized water. You can buy colour filters of stage lighting. Then, the water will shake any color filter you put all the glass. The whole system will then participate in and benefit from the effects of color. It is possible to apply color therapy using a swing arm lamp. You can then cut out two squares of cardboard with a giant square in the center of each square. You need two pieces of this. Then tape these two parties. Leave an opening to slide in its colour filters between two pieces of cardboard. Then the square Velcro to the base of his lamp swingarm. You can then use colored bulbs. These you can buy from a lamp company or hardware. Or you can u!

are colour filters. Once you do this, the brightness of the light on a part of the body or if the brightness is systemically. This means that the light shines across the front or the back of her body for an hour at a time. Some systems Chroma Therapy (Color Therapy) teach that should not shine the light purple in the face. You should leave one or two hours in the color between different treatments. It must also make a muscle or dowsing test to see if the color is the right one to use for that period of time. A person who is not comfortable under a certain colour should not use that color of a lamp treatment. If you like the color, it is good for you. If you have a reaction to a neutral color, which probably do not need that color. You can use this type of therapy at night for tonations (This means that treatment color) if you get a light timer so that the light may be the time to go intermittently. Each of the colors has a different effect on the body, but they are all interrelated. They all work together to relie!

see, clean, build and heal. There are no dangerous side effective!

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y time. It would be better for a person to be naked. But if that person feels uncomfortable naked.

Then carrying white cotton underwear is a great idea that light can penetrate through white material especially if it is only natural as the skin can breathe.

Treatments can be taken at any time before eating, but wait two hours or more after a meal. If there is indigestion, however, yellow can be used at the time. Normal light in the room did not interfere with the effect of color, but not in the use of direct sunlight or other strong lights. It dispel the strength of color.

Have the room warm enough to prevent a chill. Since this is the effect of the color, not the heat, the lamp can be four to eight feet away from the body. It& 39;s better to be in a position of lying or sitting. The turn on the lamp allows a presentation on different areas.

Clothing makes a difference to a light treatment. You wear a color of the clothes he agreed. The light penetrates clothing giving a tonation. This is like a light that shines on yourself through the color of your clothes. However, some fibers with highly saturated colors and resist the diffused light. Cotton is the best white fibers, as it is natural and it does not obstruct the view. This is called a tonation.

You can visualize or imagine the color you need to breathe or color you need. Contemplating a colour, either in his mind or his keeping attention focused on something of color who want to work can be valuable. A more intellectual color of meditation is to gather their thoughts on a particular colour either just let the flow of associations or even write on a piece of paper.

Vegetable food dye can be used in the water bath to give your car a luxurious bath of color. You can color salt or baking soda to make a parable disperses easily colored salt bath. If you like making a splash of color in combination with a favorite water-proof and stones and perhaps some herbs and scented oils. Add Rose aqua color and bathrooms color if you have a bathtub (his figure on the list of home improvements.)

Purple dark blue and should only be used for short periods only ten to twenty minutes at most, as they can be depressing if abused. Orange is very deep and invigorating greens are very clear descansada. You can add flower petals to the bath. Be careful that the bath water is not too hot, as it can destroy the properties of the flowers, like roses.

Art can be used in the cure of color, painting or drawing with the colors that you think are necessary is a valuable and expressive way to integrate color of healing in their lives. Color can look at to get a sample of a color or precious stones or candles to look at things or use objects that color. Just walking in the wilderness and seeing the flowers is a way to bring in color. Study of the works of the artist you enjoy and explore the effect that the artists have color choices on the emotions and sense of well-being.

You can use food color. This is called the rainbow diet. If you have been overly depressed and you need to be lifted, you can use warm colours of the cure. If you have been very encouraged and required calm down, you can use the best colors to cool you. Here are some ways to use color in their daily lives.

The bottom line of this article is if you use essential oils in massage or an aromatic bath, which is using the color of the frequencies that are related to its therapeutic qualities and actions and vibration.

To their health,

Marlene Mitchell

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